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Prince 13-Jun-2024 15:39
I recovered all the crypto i lost on a scam investment scheme which i never though it was possible to recover any lost cryptocurrencies, but all thanks to "Webdrivers" they helped me recover my cryptos within 72 hours and i feel so happy to refer them to anyone who need their help too, You can contact them on WhatsApp + 1 8 7 3 7 0 0 1 2 1 0 and Email: webscyberdriver @ techie . com
lloorr11 14-Feb-2010 05:46
Lux, U R lux~ury!!!realllly niCE!!!
Tom 14-Jul-2009 16:22
Hello Lux,
I was her to view your nice photos!
How are you doing lately?
Please come see my new photos sometime?
Best regards, Tom from The Netherlands.
Greg Little22-Mar-2009 22:18
Thanks for the nice comment on my ZooDayz gallery. Regards,
Eliane14-Mar-2009 19:05
Bravo for your magnifique gallerie , really great photos and a original presentation ...
Christopher SC Odukwe18-Oct-2008 10:18
Hi Lux :-) thank you for your nice comments. You have a lovely collection of photos.
Take care.
regards Chris
Are Garmo 16-Sep-2008 20:14
Many good/nice photos you have.Greetings from Norway!
Kuriacose Joseph05-Aug-2008 23:34
Very creative presentations!
Guest 24-Jun-2008 08:14
I'm so impressed with your galleries. I can see that they're made with passion and patience. Very good job. I'll be back for more.
Have a wonderful day.
ps. thanks for sharing the locomap.
pr_rajan13-Apr-2008 17:54
...happy vishu!
Rosemarie Kusserow18-Jan-2008 20:27
Thanks for your kind words about my Kaleidoscope gallery and your vote, I´m glad you like my images, have a nice weekend, best regards, Rosemarie :o)
Guest 27-Oct-2007 23:21
Hi, I am very impressed. Excellent pictures. Sunset pictures were my favourites and ofcourse India. Great presentation. Wish i can do it. Keep up the travelling.
Dipti M from London
Gervan26-Sep-2007 14:48
Hello Laxmi,
Even before viewing your images I'm already impressed by your beautiful Profile page.
You must be a real IT expert.
Guest 26-Sep-2007 01:09
Hello Lux: I am deeply honored and privileged to receive your kind and favorable comments on my few little images on pbase. You have such an extensive, exotic and high quality collections of your fine work from numerous locations, that I could barely scratch the surface of in a few minutes yesterday. You seem to have no equal in rendering architectural subjects, in particular of Dubai-Sharjah and elsewhere. Best wishes. JARIS
RadioWonder13-Sep-2007 20:48
Thank you for visiting my galleries and your kind comments.
David Warner15-Jul-2007 11:56
Great variety, very interesting and well done!!
Guest 03-Jul-2007 19:29
Thank you so much for your comment about my galleries. I enjoyed yours too!!!
Willow Vanderbosch26-Jun-2007 12:52
I'm absolutely enchanted by your logo's reflection. Thanks for sharing. :-)
Guest 18-Jun-2007 10:47
I can see your passion for photography from all your varied galleries. Thanks for sharing. Keep shooting.
Guest 14-Jun-2007 06:11
For some reason, your pictures really cheered me up.
Guest 07-Jun-2007 20:14
Hey Lux,
Thank you for all your kind comments. Especially about my paintings. I do photography and painting both as hobbies, and it feels great to know they are appreciated. I loved seeing your photos as well. It brings me a little closer to seeing a part of the world I've never been to. Keep up the good work.
Trevor Benedict24-Apr-2007 01:50
Thanks for the comments and your gallery looks good too :)
tomr-photos17-Apr-2007 04:14
Thanks for visiting and commenting. :)
pepe_carmona200008-Apr-2007 07:44
felicidades un bello trabajo
Mostafa Moftah04-Apr-2007 13:51
Welcome aboard dear LUX, many of a wonderful and interesting galleries you have here :)
Guest 26-Mar-2007 00:29
of all the sites i've seen, yours truly has to be the most creative. its very pretty and welcoming. i don't know how to set up the background like yours. its very special though. how did you grey out all the colors but one in the 'my colors' gallery? all this work is very interesting.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 14:26
Your photos are good. I'll be back.
Emad Omar11-Dec-2006 22:38
welcome in pbase you will enjoy
Guest 09-Dec-2006 18:51
Hi, Thanx very much for your comments in my gallery. All the very best to you. keep shooting.
Guest 09-Dec-2006 14:47

Love your Dancing, Sunset, Moon and flowers galleries .......... especially like those shots which decorate the background of most of your galleries....... btw, thank you for your encouraging comment.........
virginiacoastline07-Nov-2006 11:43
WELCOME TO THE FRAY! Very nice to see you here, Lux. I've been here a day or two =)
I think you will enjoy the community and especially the chance to display you pictures. Now I'm off to see you galleries