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Patrick Mallette | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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el capo 06-Jun-2010 23:47
saludo para todos los de benito juares des de california de antonio martinez
Lupe 02-Mar-2010 14:40
Muchos Saludos a todos los de Nuevo Porvenir De Parte de toda la familia Hernandez de Norte Carolina
brian 05-Mar-2009 11:08
hi patrick, I used to live in the Mountain City NV area. Thanks so much for the photos. I too "feel like home" when i viewed your pictures. Very nice galleries too.
Guest 17-Jul-2008 16:07
enjoying my coffee on this sunny morning in Vancouver , just googgled my name and came upon these wonderful pictures... maybe you should take your camera along to the Valhalla's in the East kootenays...
Lizeth Soria 30-Jun-2008 01:00
Saludos para la gente de Benito Juarez.
Especialmente para la Familia Soria Renteria.
nena valadez 23-Jun-2008 16:43
Nena Valadez

Saludos a todos mis paisanos asi como a la familia
Valadez de el lindo pueblo de Nuevo Ideal, Durango.
Guest 13-Jun-2007 14:48
Keep moving forward. I can see that you have a lot of potential.
Guest 29-Apr-2007 01:55
These pictures of the Peruvian jungle city are incredible!

Congratulations on such a beautiful representation.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 08:49
In awe.
Miguel 06-Dec-2006 04:06
That pictures from my hometown are incredible, hopefully you have more, I manage and you're more than welcome to stop by and say Hi to all the paisanos from Patos
Saludos and thank you
Lizette 24-Aug-2006 18:44
Hey Pat...
It was so nice to be able to see my home town in Nuevo Ideal Durango. It was so great and amazing how you captured different moments and aspects of people's lives. It brought back a lot of memeories. Even though I was born here in the US I really love my moms home town.. Its a small place but very cozzy..I wanted to know if you had a good time and how you heard about this town. I don't know if you where able to see the menonites, they are seperate colonies of German catholics, they are very famouse back home. Well if you ever visit again let me know..and send me any additional pictures you might have. Thank you very much.
Juan 16-Aug-2006 02:31
Patric? is all I can say. I have no idea how I stumbled upon your pics from "Nuevo Ideal Dgo" I live in Ontario Canada now and I was born in that town, I grew up in that town and I went to high school in that town.
...beautiful, splendid and amazing work. It's awesome and thank you so much.
Mi tierra de Nuevo Ideal, mi tierra mas querida.
Latifa 07-Jul-2006 03:59
Thank you for the opportunity to view your Peru pictures. They are absolutely wonderful. Captions were very helpful. You photos are very inspiring for my upcoming trip this September.
Claudia Barriga Hereña 12-Apr-2006 15:36
I wanna do a recognition of your wonderful job that you are realizing since thanks to these photos that tell the real beauty of Peru.
I live in Spain but i am peruvian and for the marvels of my country I can show my friends the real beauty of my country.
Once again thank you very much for your work, it's excellent.
amanda harvey 03-Apr-2006 09:33
hi patrick, thanks for the view of the amazing photos
my partner and myself along with our 3 children lived in cajamarca last year.
it is great to look at photos taken from some one else.
your work is excellent, and if you have more please post them!
amanda harvey, australia
Steve Moore 21-Feb-2006 02:24
Hey Pat. Jose Trujillo is here at La India and told me about your site. Very nice eye for details & people and great sunsets - certainly enjoyed the tour. Saludos from the oak woodlands of Amargosa.
Steve Moore
Roxana Castaneda 12-Jan-2006 03:46
Hi Pat. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I am peruvian and I have been in those same places, however I've never seen them like you. I envy your vision of our beautiful places and people in Peru. You have seen the poverty and yet you manage to also show us the kindness and generosity and the beauty inside the hearts. Thanks again.

Best wishes, Roxana Castañeda
Al Greene 08-Dec-2005 04:09
Thanks Pat for these great pictures. Next week I am going to hauraz Peru next week and these pictures have helped me kind of know what to expect. thanks again Pastor Al Greene
27 IDX 106 - Odinn 06-Dec-2005 01:43
You have very good website here.
I am glad to put my step in your guestbook.

Welcome to my website as well

Best greetings
Marcin Mazurek 27-Nov-2005 21:47
Very interesting site. I like it very much. Marcin Mazurek - Market Research Poland Romania Eastern Europe mystery shopping Intelace market research
Daniel Beams05-Oct-2005 18:28
Patrick, I really enjoyed your work. I had forgotten how magical the light can be in Cajamarca. My wife is from there and I lived there in 90-91 and 97-98. I worked in Banos del Inca in 90 in the Collor Punta community, looks like the same hill you took so many pictures from. In 97-98 I did a dissertation on economic development in the Porcon area. I did a lot of photography in Cajamarca, but that was before digital and all my images are stored on slides in my parents basement. I now live in Santa Cruz, Bolivia and am working in digital. Check out my galleries if you want: www.pbase/beamsclan
Cheers, Danny
Alex Pedemonte 19-Mar-2005 15:28
Hey!! just to tell you that I was really impressed by your work, there is something in your pictures hard to describe but powerful enough to move you from one state of mind to another...The colors, the angles...not sure but very impressive!! (are there pictures for sale? I am a peruvian living in the states, please contact me with price information if possible.

Keep up the good work

sweeperdave 17-Nov-2004 20:39
Enjoyed viewing your images of Peru around the Cadillera -- a place of which I know little but is compelling. Some really good stuff. Good luck.

Aaron Shinn 13-Nov-2004 03:13
Your work is superb. I'm rarely moved to comment on work that I come across on the web. Your eye is a gem.
Guest 23-Jul-2003 18:25
I really like your pictures.Keep shooting!!! Saludos de una peruana!!!
Ralph 09-Jun-2003 01:11
I enjoyed viewing your pictures of Peru. How did you manage to end up living in Peru? Keep taking pictures and posting!

Best wishes in Peru... Ralph