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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week 2005 > May 13 2005 p.jpg
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May 13 2005 p.jpg

Nikon D70
1/320s f/8.0 at 70.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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The Suburban Hippie 14-Jul-2005 14:37
I like the composition and colors. Gorgeous shot!
Guest 20-May-2005 01:06
Lots of great color and sharpness! I love the way the light is screening through the right wing - makes this shot special.
Guest 15-May-2005 16:17
Great DOF and color tone!
tomsview14-May-2005 03:30
Great color, beautiful shot!
Mindy McNaugher14-May-2005 03:24
Stunning shot!!
Lazy 3L Photography14-May-2005 02:44
Yi Feng14-May-2005 02:35
Beautiful shot!
Guest 14-May-2005 02:13
I like the bright colors in this shot.
Guest 14-May-2005 01:55
Nice job!
Guest 14-May-2005 01:01
Nice use of lighton wings. Enjoyed the pic.
Guest 14-May-2005 00:33
Beautiful! Butterflies are just perfect for nice pictures colored!
Michal Zaleski14-May-2005 00:09
Wonderful composition and colours! Great job!