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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> sunrises_in_2005 > pbase First rays on December 12 2005.jpg
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pbase First rays on December 12 2005.jpg

Goood Morning..

All the boats are now out of the water!

December 12 2005

Leica D-Lux 2
1/50s f/8.0 at 20.9mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Mark Elert30-Dec-2005 22:21
It sights like this that makes mornings so beautiful. They can make your day.
steve mcsweeny19-Dec-2005 06:44
I love your sunrise shots; I rarely get up early enough to see them here ;). Vote!
beverley harrison16-Dec-2005 22:18
the light in this is just stunning!!
Karen Stuebing13-Dec-2005 11:27
Love the golden hues in the sky and reflected on the water. The snowy town shows this is winter time so it makes the contrast even more impressive.
Olaf Herrig13-Dec-2005 10:24
A wonderful scene with a very nice light and mood.
Steven Jusczyk13-Dec-2005 09:34
I think you could retire and start a new life selling these. Beautiful!
Karen Leaf13-Dec-2005 04:01
That singular buoy is outstanding, almost directly in line with the sun reflection. It's time to go play in the boatyards with the white shrouds :)
Mindy McNaugher13-Dec-2005 02:45
Stunning!! Still can't figure how you get up so early, but glad you do! Exquisite colors reflected in the water! Love the lone buoy!
Gayle P. Clement13-Dec-2005 02:43
A beautiful morning.
Jackdad12-Dec-2005 23:26
what a beautiful shot. Just something about the winter light - and the colour tones on those houses with the snow on.
Graham Tomlin12-Dec-2005 20:44
lovely picture regards Helen
Bryan Murahashi12-Dec-2005 16:23
Very nice sunrise colors and reflection.
idle_hands12-Dec-2005 15:13
ahh, beautiful stillness
twistedlim12-Dec-2005 13:45
Herb 12-Dec-2005 13:31
Nice shot