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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> November 2007 > pbase Day 11 November 17 DSC_0029.jpg
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pbase Day 11 November 17 DSC_0029.jpg

This summer and fall has gone by to fast - Let me admit, I am not a winter person - never will be.
Sooo I have been photographing this last vestige of the fall, a pink rose who survived the frost.
It was truly a beautiful rose.. a winter rose.

Nikon D80
1/160s f/2.8 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sheila19-Nov-2007 06:03
Still more to open! Roses are much hardier than people think.
Guest 19-Nov-2007 04:13
And we've all been enjoying the ride!
Bryan Ramsay19-Nov-2007 00:13
Very nice!! I have a few that are still holding on. -BJ
ewa toll18-Nov-2007 20:22
Jackdad18-Nov-2007 20:04
past its best, but there are more buds to come!
Katie Chew18-Nov-2007 17:41
Beautiful while it lasted.
Máire Uí Mhaicín18-Nov-2007 17:32
Lovely! It hung in there for a good while!
Guest 18-Nov-2007 14:39
beautiful, bg too.